Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening
Early Childhood Screening is a simple check of how your child is growing and developing. The screening is provided by the school district at no cost to parents. The preferred age for a child's screening is at 3 years of age, but can be done any time between age 3 and the start of kindergarten. This screening is required by the State of Minnesota.
What can you expect at Early Childhood Screening?
The screening will include these things: a review of your child's height, weight, vision, hearing, speech, and developmental, social and emotional assessments. Your child's immunizations will also be reviewed.
Who does the screening?
The screening is sponsored by Cass County Public Health, Leech Lake Early Childhood, Child and Teen Check Ups, Northland Area Family Service Center, and Northland Community Schools. The screening is done by qualified professionals.
For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please call the District Office at (218) 566-2351