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MCA Assessments

The Title I section of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires that all public school students be assessed in grades 3–8 and once in high school in reading and mathematics to measure Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The MCA, MCA-Modified, and MTAS in reading and mathematics are used to meet this federal requirement. Testing of science is also required for ESEA but is not included in AYP calculations. All public school students are assessed in science in grades 5 and 8 and once in high school. Both the Science MCA and the Science MTAS are used to meet this federal requirement.

The Title I assessments measure Minnesota students’ achievement on the Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards. In addition, the assessment results can be used to inform curriculum decisions at the district and school levels.

The grades 3–8 and 11 Mathematics MCA,  as well as grades 3-8 and 10 Reading MCAs are taken online and are adaptive. This means that the test will adjust to each student’s skills. Every time a student answers a question, her or his response helps to determine the next question that the student must answer. Students will have the opportunity to take the online Mathematics MCA up to three times during the testing window. The score used for final reports and accountability will be the student’s highest valid score. (MN Dept of ED).

Northland Community Schools MCA testing dates, taken in March, April and May, are noted in the yearly calendar on this website.  If you have any questions regarding these tests, please contact Scott Peterson at 566-2351, ext 32017.

District Assessments

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